
The Definition of Good Health


The Definition of Good Health

The pursuit of health is a lifelong endeavor. “Health” has been the subject of numerous definitions over the years. The dictionary definition is “exercise of bodily muscles to increase their strength and shape”, but this definition has been broadened to include many aspects of healthy living. It is a common practice to incorporate several aspects of health lifestyle into a daily routine for better overall health.

For more than three thousand years, the quest for perfect health was based on religious teachings. Ancient people were aware of the connection between body and spirit and sought to foster balance between them. According to the World Health Organization (WHA), “health is a state of full physical, emotional and mental well-being”. Various other definitions have also been used over the years for various purposes. In its current use, however, the definition includes a physical, emotional and mental quality of life that sustains the person’s well-being.

Today, the most common definition continues to be that of the physical condition of a person as noted in the dictionary. In addition, good health is deemed to be absence of contagious diseases, physical maturity, the capacity for self-care, and the ability to make informed decisions about health-care, food and drug use. Some other aspects that are part of the definition are the sense of self-worth, social acceptance, the sense of accomplishment, the ability to make responsible decisions, and the enjoyment of life.

There are many ways to enhance the individual health: improving diet and nutrition, exercising, and engaging in community activities that promote good health. Community health programs give priority attention to prevention and education about disease, using multiple strategies to promote physical activity, promoting community resources such as transportation, and providing information on substance abuse, depression, and mental health. Public health is another way of increasing the quality of life by affecting the community at large. Public health programs focus on the overall health of the nation in general and affect the population’s lifestyle.

The definition of defined health has changed over the years; it no longer includes the word disease. It now includes a range of conditions, which are associated with the physical condition of an individual. These conditions include absence of communicable diseases, development and growth, and immunity against infectious and disease-causing microorganisms. The word “exercise” is also often used in conjunction with the definition. Exercise simply means getting our bodies in shape by doing some kind of physical activity.

A healthy diet is essential for good health. It reduces the risk of developing a number of chronic and health conditions. A healthy diet can reduce the risk of developing heart disease, type II diabetes, cancer, osteoporosis, stroke, and Alzheimer’s disease. The types of foods that we should eat to promote good health are generally a whole food diet, fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats, poultry, fish, dairy products, legumes, and seeds.