
Problem Gambling Addiction

Gambling refers to the act of betting on any event, whether it is a game such as horse race, basketball, football, baseball etc, or a non-game event such as slot machines. The basic idea behind gambling is that wagers are made on the chance that the outcome of the event will be good or bad. Gambling therefore needs three components for it to be considered gambling: risk, consideration, and a reward. The risk that is taken in gambling can be in the form of losing money. The consideration that is taken into account is what can be achieved if the player wins the bet, while the reward is what one feels should be given to them after they have won the bet.


In most of the cases, one tends to go for the higher stake, which means that the chances of winning are more and the amount to be gained is large. There are some games that lend themselves to gambling where there is no limit to the stakes and the goal is simply to beat the dealer. These games include lotteries, raffles, slot machines, horse racing, etc. The more complex the game is, the more likely that the gambling games are of high stakes. Sports betting, especially on horse racing is one form of gambling that involves a high degree of risk; hence, bettors are advised to use maximum resources in order to make the best out of their gambling experience.

Lotteries are considered one of the gambling may in the United States. Although lotteries are normally considered a source of revenue for the states, in some states, lottery prize money may be diverted to other purposes, most notably education. Similarly, while the amount to be paid for raffle tickets differs from state to state, the same theory applies to the amount paid out for jackpot prizes. Although lotteries may be a form of gambling, the rewards associated with it tend to compensate for the risks involved in gambling.

Casinos are considered the principal gambling games in the United states. One may bemoan the restrictions placed on gaming by the U.S. government. Nevertheless, it is illegal to operate casinos without meeting the required qualifications laid down by the government. In addition to government permission, state approval is also necessary for opening casinos.

Problem gambling is defined as an addiction. A problem gambler is a person who has developed an addiction to gambling over a period of time. Problem gambling is different from gambling in which the main objective is to win; problem gambling is characterized by the reliance on chance and suspense. While some forms of gambling are purely luck based, such as lotto systems and card games, problem gambling is dependent on the will of the gambler to affect changes in his/her finances and personal life.

Some characteristics of problem gambling include impulsivity, lack of self control, financial crisis, depression, emotional detachment, social withdrawal, and severe personality disorders. If a person is afflicted with any of these characteristics, it becomes very important to seek help. Help may come in the form of treatment centers, community organizations, or individual therapies. While some symptoms of gambling addiction are covered in most of these treatments, others are not. It is best to see a professional physician to obtain proper treatment.