
Health & Wellness

Health, as defined by the World Health Organization, is a condition “of full physical, emotional and social well being and not just the absence of sickness and disease.” Different definitions have been employed over time for diverse purposes. For a quick overview, let’s define the word “health,” as it relates to a person’s quality of life in general. The definition states that health is a state of well being that permits the individual to enjoy the basic aspects of life in its completeness. This definition is very broad and covers a range of things that most would consider to be the basics of health.


When we speak of health, we typically envision healthy people. Healthy people are generally free of contagious diseases and live longer than those with poor health status. They generally perform better in school and are less likely to be the victim of violence. The term “healthy” can also relate to one’s weight, which is considered to be a factor in determining a person’s health status. In the United States, obesity is considered a serious health concern, causing many chronic conditions and leading to high blood pressure and other cardiovascular diseases.

As the definition implies, health care involves all of the measures taken to promote health. The most obvious forms of health care are medical treatment and prevention of disease. Medical treatment is designed to treat disease early and to maintain health throughout a person’s life course. Preventive medicine aims to stop disease before it begins and to maintain the general health of older adults.

A related concept that defines health and wellbeing is emotional health, which refers to a person’s ability to manage stress and cope with daily challenges. Emotional health is related to wellness but is broader in definition than health itself. It includes emotional health, but also takes into account the experiences of everyday life such as stress management and coping.

While both concepts emphasize the interdependence of body, mind, and spirit, they are different from each other. Health refers to the capacity to have a good physical and mental health condition while being at ease in the social and interpersonal aspects of life. Well-being on the other hand, refers to your capacity to have good mental health and to be contented with your life. These two concepts often play parallel roles in determining an individual’s well-being, but they are often considered as separate entities by many researchers.

Although the definitions of these concepts vary among scholars, there are common points of view that most agree on. Most experts agree that a healthy and well-balanced diet, regular exercise, and reduced exposure to harmful toxins are the keys to long-term health issues. These lifestyle choices to reduce the risks of developing illnesses that can later on become serious illnesses or even life-threatening diseases. The use of complementary medicines, such as herbs and botanicals, are also seen as crucial in keeping an individual’s physical and mental wellness in good order. In conclusion, it is important to note that a combination of lifestyle choices and nutritious diet is the best preventive action against any type of diseases and health issues.